Superb went to Medog to carry out exchange and docking activities

In order to implement the Party’s strategy for governing Tibet in the new era and to fully promote the in-depth and practical work of Foshan’s counterpart aid to Tibet, recently, the chairman of Superb Tony organized a corporate delegation of 6 people to visit Medog County, Tibet for exchange and docking activities. The Medog County Standing Committee Member, the Director of the Medog County Housing and Urban-Rural Development Bureau, the Medog County Culture and Tourism Bureau and the Medog County (Foshan) Working Group of the 10th Batch of Guangdong Province’s Tibet Aid Team also participated.

Tony and executives came to the working group’s resident office and watched the report film of the Medog County (Foshan) working group together, and learned in detail about the work of the working group in Tibet after entering Medog. During the period, a discussion and exchange were held and a donation ceremony was held. Superb donated a total of 300,000 RMB in assistance funds to the Medog County Working Group of the 10th Guangdong Provincial Tibet Aid Working Team, providing strong financial support for the working group to further promote Tibet aid work.

During the event, the working group visited and inspected the Medog County Rural Revitalization Demonstration Village Construction Project (Green Village B&B Renovation Project), Guoguotang Viewing Platform and other projects.